How Hydrogen Forklifts are Revolutionizing the Industry
Posted by: admin on September 14, 2021
Society has been dependent upon gas-powered vehicles since the start of the industrial revolution. Now, advances in technology are leading to the rise of electric forklifts and hydrogen powered fuel cells. The commercial landscape is changing rapidly thanks to hydrogen forklifts – they’re efficient, environmentally friendly, and produce zero emissions.
How do Hydrogen Forklifts Work?
Hydrogen powered forklifts are electric, but unlike battery-powered electric vehicles, they generate power on-the-go using hydrogen and oxygen found naturally in the environment. That means there’s no need to stop to charge batteries, no space required in the warehouse for charging stations, and zero emissions. Hydrogen is the most abundant chemical structure in the world, making this fuel type very sustainable and efficient
The Evolution of Hydrogen Powered Forklifts
Over the last few years, millions of dollars have been poured into the installation of hydrogen fuel cell stations around the world. Amazon was among the first major adapters, partnering with Plug Power – an innovative fuel cell company – to introduce an entire fleet of hydrogen forklifts in their warehouses. As corporations begin to shift their practices to become more environmentally friendly, you can expect to see hydrogen powered forklifts become even more commonplace.
Advantages of Hydrogen Forklifts
Skeptics might expect hydrogen forklifts to be less powerful than traditional models. The reality is that improved performance is one of the biggest advantages of using hydrogen powered forklifts. These lifts provide constant voltage until the fuel tank is completely empty, making for better performance across longer shifts. Forklift battery changes are also no longer necessary – while traditional lifts are limited by the storage capacity of the unit battery, hydrogen fuel cell batteries can be quickly and efficiently refueled in under five minutes.
These are far from the only benefits of upgrading to hydrogen forklifts. The reduced environmental impact is significant, especially when compared to forklifts powered by LPG, diesel, and batteries. In turn, forklift operators are less reliant upon energy providers than ever. Since hydrogen fuel can be stored on-site for the long-term, operations can continue even in the event of a fuel shortage or power outage.
Increased efficiency is another key benefit of hydrogen forklifts. Battery changes on traditional forklifts put both the lift and the warehouse worker out of commission, significantly limiting productivity. Because hydrogen powered forklifts refuel in mere minutes, efficiency and productivity are never jeopardized.
Limitations of Hydrogen Powered Forklifts
There are a handful of drawbacks associated with hydrogen forklifts, of course. For starters, there’s the possibility of nitrogen dioxide emissions. Since odorants cannot be added, it can be difficult to detect leaks. Hydrogen fuel cells are highly flammable, and some operators may struggle with the high costs associated with fuel and the transport of hydrogen. In spite of these drawbacks, hydrogen powered forklifts are growing in popularity with each passing year.
Online Hydrogen Forklift Training for the Leaders of Tomorrow
The future is now. We’re already seeing major corporations adopt hydrogen forklift technology and implement it on a grand scale. Walmart, Amazon, BMW and Coca-Cola Refreshments USA are among the growing legion of companies relying upon hydrogen powered forklifts in their warehouses. The cost to implement hydrogen fuel cell stations is substantially higher than that of conventional batteries, and will most likely be slow-growing for regular consumer use. However, uses in smaller specialized markets like warehousing may see faster growth.
Whether battery, hydrogen or gas-powered, one thing remains the same: proper forklift training is essential to keeping workers safe and warehouses hazard-free. Much like the time and cost-saving benefits of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, easy online platforms are revolutionizing the training industry. Check out’s resources for comprehensive, online forklift training. is your source for all things forklift training. Whether you’re upgrading to hydrogen powered forklifts, need help recertifying employees, or are interested in learning about other advances in the industry, turn to for OSHA-compliant forklift training. In just five easy steps, you and your team can enjoy the convenience and flexibility of 24/7 online training. Interested in leveraging our training tools for your organization? Call (888) 699-4800 to speak with our customer service team, or visit our contact page for more information.
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