Guide to Laser Safety Certification Training
A Laser, which is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation is an intense, highly directional light beam. Lasers are commonly used throughout industry and are safe when used properly, but injuries can and do happen, which is why your workers need laser safety certifications. Depending on the type of laser and how it’s being used, workers can be exposed to caustic fumes, toxic gases, molten metal, liquid chemicals, and radiation.
If you have employees that need laser safety certification, you, as their employer are responsible for providing the certification instruction. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and other regulatory bodies are involved with establishing laser safety certification, ISO certification, ISO training and much more. Enroll your workers with today for laser safety certification training – it’s the law, and there are severe fines and penalties for non-compliance.
What’s Laser Safety Certification Includes’s laser safety certification course was designed to meet all OSHA laser standards and the American National Standard Institute (ANSI). laser risk classifications. Workers in medical, metallurgy, mining, fabrication, robotics, 3D scanning or entertainment industries will benefit from our OSHA laser safety certification program, which covers laser uses, along with the potential risks involved.
Using a digital device, our online laser certification course gives students 24/7 access to all training materials anywhere there’s an internet connection. The renewal training OSHA requires every three years is also free for life with laser certification. Don’t take laser safety for granted. Avoid workplace disasters and employee injuries – get OSHA-compliant laser safety certification training now!
The Importance of OSHA Laser Safety Certification
Exposure to the output of certain lasers can cause damage to the eyes and skin. Our certification program teaches workers how to use lasers safely and avoid injuries. Laser injuries are much more likely to happen without OSHA approved laser training and ISO certification.
Laser Safety Certification FAQs
Q: Does OSHA require a Laser Safety Officer?
A: Yes, if your company works around Class 3b or Class 4 lasers. A Laser Safety Officer helps employees understand and avoid the dangers of working with and around lasers.
Q: How dangerous is laser radiation?
A: Exposure to laser radiation can be hazardous to overall health, including eyesight damage and certain cancer risks. That’s why laser safety certification and having a laser safety officer training are so important.
Q: How can you protect your employees from laser hazards?
A: With our thorough laser safety certification training, your employees will learn about using personal protective equipment (PPE), how to safely work with lasers and more, so sign up today!
Why Your Employees Need Laser Safety Certification Training
OSHA’s Eye and Face Protection simplifies knowing what PPE is needed for your workplace. In addition to the required PPE, lasers and workspaces must be clearly labeled to warn of potential hazards and how to avoid them. Employers should also have a designated Laser Safety Officer (LSO) to educate and train your other employees in the proper use of PPE through laser safety programs in addition to training. If Class 3b or Class 4 lasers are used in your business, your company must also designate an LSO to oversee the operation, maintenance, and servicing of laser equipment. Our laser safety certification courses help companies keep track of laser classifications.
Requiring each of your employees to become laser safety certified should be a key part of your laser safety program. Here are a few more tips to help you prepare for an OSHA inspection:
✓ Establish laser safety policies and procedures and post them in places that are easily accessible by employees
✓ List the personal protection equipment (PPE) required for laser use and demonstrate employee compliance.
✓ Keep readily available detailed training records.
✓ Have your LSO develop a rapid response plan for laser accidents.
✓ Ensure your lasers are properly labeled in accordance with federal standards.
✓ Arrange for your employees to obtain laser safety certificates.
ANSI Laser Classifications and Laser Safety Certifications
Lasers are classified by the type of risk they pose. Here’s a summary:
✓ Class I: Considered safe, no specific safety requirements.
✓ Class I.A.:A special laser that’s not intended for viewing, such as a supermarket laser scanner.
✓ Class II:A low power visible beam that shouldn’t be stared at. The human eye will reflexively turn away or close before there’s
✓ Class IIIA: Intermediate power laser that needs some limited controls.
✓ Class IIIB:Moderate power laser that doesn’t generally pose a fire hazard. Specific controls for its use need to be in place.
✓ Class IV:High power lasers that are hazardous to view under any conditions and are also potential fire and skin hazards. Stringent controls are required.
OSHA Laser Compliance Guide
OSHA has established several laser safety standards. Depending on the work being performed, the type of eye protection needed can vary greatly. All areas of the workplace where lasers are being used should be properly and clearly labeled. Employers must provide all Personal Protection Equipment needed for the work, as well as comply with all OSHA laser safety requirements, including providing laser safety certification training. Here are more OSHA laser safety requirements:
✓ OSHA 1910.133(a)(1):The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses appropriate eye or face protection when exposed to eye or face hazards from flying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors, or potentially injurious light radiation. These safety practices are taught in OSHA laser safety certification
✓ OSHA 1910.133(a)(2): The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses eye protection that provides side protection when there is a hazard from flying objects. Detachable side protectors (e.g. clip-on or slide-on side shields) meeting the pertinent requirements of this section are acceptable.
✓ OSHA 1910.133(a)(3): The employer shall ensure that each affected employee who wears prescription lenses while engaged in operations that involve eye hazards wears eye protection that incorporates the prescription in its design, or wears eye protection that can be worn over the prescription lenses without disturbing the proper position of the prescription lenses or the protective lenses.
✓ OSHA 1910.133(a)(4):Eye and face PPE shall be distinctly marked to facilitate identification of the manufacturer.
✓ OSHA 1910.133(a)(5):The employer shall ensure that each affected employee uses equipment with filter lenses that have a shade number appropriate for the work being performed for protection from injurious light radiation.
Lasers are being used more and more throughout the various industry sectors. To meet OSHA’s laser safety requirements, has created a course that teaches and certifies employees how to safely use lasers. The online laser safety certification program, which can be taken individually or as part of a group covers various situations in which lasers are used and the hazards involved with each, such as toxic fumes and gases, molten metal, chemicals and radiation.’s OSHA laser safety program meets all relevant regulations and standards, and is appropriate for medical, mining, metallurgy, fabrication, entertainment, robotics, 3D scanning and similar industries. Employers who enroll their employees in’s laser training will receive printable training certifications for all workers and free three-year renewals for life, so sign them up today! Students work at their own pace using a smartphone or other digital device. The online course is available 24/7 anywhere there’s an internet connection. Our laser safety certification program saves employers time and money by eliminating the need to pay for training at an expensive offsite facility.
Sign Up Today!
If your workers need to fill gaps in their laser ISO certification training or become OSHA compliant, has all the training courses you need. From laser safety operator certification to laser safety officer training and more, we’re here to help. Register your company today and make your workplace safer!
Thanks for considering for your laser safety certification. If you have questions or would like to speak with one of our OSHA experts about our online laser certification program, call us today at (888) 699-4800.or click here to contact us online.

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