Working with forklifts can be a dangerous job, and not just because of the sheer size and weight of the forklifts themselves. There are many different components involved with operating a forklift, and one of the most common being refueling a forklift before daily tasks. Read More…
Under-ride is the term given to forklift accidents that occur when a standing operator backs too far into horizontal shelving causing the forklift to slide under the shelf and crush the driver. The risk of this happening is even greater than the risk overturning. Read More…
A forklift certification allows for extensive employment and financial opportunities. After receiving your initial forklift certification, you’ll need to renew your certification through a recertification program after three years. This is due to the fact OSHA regulations and guidelines may have changed from the time Read More…
What are the most important things about forklifts? Most people think of power, safety features, lifting capacity and stuff like that. Luxury and comfort are probably the last things that would come to mind. But there are a few “luxury forklifts” on the market that Read More…
Regular visitors to are aware of best safety practices, specifically those procedures related to operating forklifts in a warehouse or dock setting. But safety isn’t just for those industrial locations. With a comprehensive safety plan in place, a business is prepared to handle emergencies Read More…